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The 10 Worst Video Games of all Time 

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Putting together a list of the worst video games ever isn’t an easy feat. There are tons of factors to consider, and even after a careful selection, the list of potential candidates for the bottom ranks is still pretty long. That’s why we delved into the opinions of hundreds of gaming enthusiasts to compile this list of absolute gaming disasters.

1. Custer’s Revenge (1982)

Mystique’s notorious release, Custer’s Revenge, isn’t just a complete disaster. It places players in the unsettling role of General Custer attempting to assault a Native American woman tied to a pole. Marketed under the publisher’s “Swedish Erotica” label alongside other pixelated porn, it stands as a shameful chapter in gaming history.

2. Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust (2009)

Al Lowe’s adventures with Larry Laffer let you step into the shoes of a hilariously unlucky Latin lover on the hunt. Full of sexual innuendo and cheeky humor, they can entertain you for days at home. But trying Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust is likely to leave you disappointed and frustrated. It’s a mess in every way, failing to live up to its legacy. Randomly thrown together without cohesion, it’s a total disaster.

3. Ride To Hell: Retribution (2013)

Ride To Hell: Retribution truly earns its place among the worst video games of all time. It starts with potential – a Vietnam vet returning home, set against the backdrop of biker gangs – and mixes in fighting and driving. But once you dive in, it’s a disaster of bugs, glitches, and flaws. The motorcycle segments are horrendous, and the combat, whether melee or firearm, is equally dreadful.

4. ET the Extra Terrestrial (1982)

This video game was a massive flop, with thousands of unsold copies ending up buried in the desert. Designer Howard Scott Warshaw was rushed to create it in just six weeks, all thanks to a hurried deal between Atari and Steven Spielberg. Despite shipping five million copies for Christmas 1982, it was clear that ET the Extra Terrestrial had missed the mark.

5. Vroom In The Night Sky (2017)

Vroom In The Night Sky was one of the first games released for the Nintendo Switch. It might’ve sold a few copies, but let’s be real, it probably shouldn’t have. Picture this: you’re guiding a girl on a flying scooter, picking up stars to unlock portals. It’s just… a complete disaster.

6. Double Dragon II: Wander of the Dragons (2013)

Double Dragon II: Wander of the Dragons is a total mess that fails to deliver in hand-to-hand combat. It’s an eyesore, and once you start playing, it somehow manages to get even worse. With few moves, clumsy controls, and terrible collision detection, it’s a real knockout – and not in a good way.

7. Bubsy 3D (1996)

Super Mario 64 revolutionized 3D platform gaming. Bubsy, on the other hand, entered the scene with a disastrous game. Its poor camera and weak 3D engine highlighted its technological shortcomings, making it one of the worst video games in history.

8. Alone In The Dark: Illumination (2015)

Alone In The Dark: Illumination is a prime example of a fallen-from-grace video game. It lacks engaging storytelling, atmosphere, fresh ideas, and balance. Above all, it’s just not fun. It’s a terrible game-playing experience for any gamer. 

9. Deal or No Deal (2006)

Deal or No Deal, based on a popular US TV show, is a game that doesn’t make much sense. It’s hard to understand why someone would spend money on a game where everything depends on luck and the winnings are only virtual. The excitement of the original show, where contestants could win anything from a penny to a million dollars, is completely missing.

10. The Guy Game (2004)

The Guy Game is a trivia game where participants had to guess responses from girls who would gradually strip off. However, things took a turn when an underage contestant got involved. That’s when the trouble started. A judge insisted it be taken off the shelves. The young contestant sued the developer, Top Heavy Studios, saying she just wanted to focus on her education and career.

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